The Team

John Shofner

Film, Design, and Motorsport – these are the pillars that constitute John's personal Triforce. Motorsport has been an integral part of his life from earliest years, a passion inherited from his father.

The origins of his affinity for Film and Design, however, remain an enigma. These realms are as unfamiliar to his dad as the nuances of a proper Scotch, yet they resonate deeply within John, striking a chord at his very core.

It is the amalgamation of these three elements that propels John forward every day. His driving force is to deliver a superior class of product to the world, to challenge and innovate within the industry, and to assist teams and drivers in telling their story. John's journey is not just about embracing these passions but about weaving them together to create something truly unique and impactful in the realm of motorsport and beyond.


In the dynamic world of Corsa Werks, where creativity and precision intersect, John and Daniel stand as perfect counterpoints to each other, embodying the profound balance of Yin and Yang. This unique polarity is the cornerstone of their working relationship, fostering an environment brimming with inventive energy and meticulous attention to detail.

Daniel, the man behind the lens for many of Corsa Werks' visually captivating projects, brings more than just his photographic prowess to the table. He is also the heartbeat of the action, the actual driver navigating the world of racing. His commendable track record includes being a two-time runner-up and the celebrated 2023 National Champion in the PCA Spec Boxster series. Beyond the asphalt, he exhibits remarkable skill in virtual racing realms like iRacing, maneuvering with both precision and flair.

But Daniel’s contribution to Corsa Werks transcends his dual roles of photographer and driver. His extensive experience in the driver’s seat infuses a rich, authentic racing perspective into every project. His insights not only enrich the visual storytelling but also deepen the connection between the Corsa Werks brand and the vibrant spirit of motorsport. Through Daniel's lens and steering, each project becomes a testament to the thrill and finesse of racing, capturing the essence of speed and the passion that drives it.